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High Bid:
$140.00 – vacilles

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $140


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PRESTIGE DOOR (MGBOEZI). Igbo people, Nigeria. Elaborately carved doors of honor such as this were placed at the main entrance to the home of a person of high importance in a community. This example, dating from the late 19th century, was carved from traditional African oak (Milicia excelsa), a hard wood of the type which is associated with ?maleness?. The door separates the sanctuary of the family home from the profane world of the village. Geometric designs are typical of an Igbo prestige door. In this case the central circle represents the nuclear family. On custom base. Wood. H 54in W20.5in. Ex Eric Robertson collection. Purchased at the African Heritage Auction 5/31/02 Lot #63.

High Bid:
$400.00 – ibuythings

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $400


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ELEPHANT MASK (MBAP MTENG). Bamileke people, Grasslands area of Cameroon. The name of this mask means ?animal with large ears?. The masks appear at the dance of the elephant (tso), the most important and spectacular Bamileke ritual. The elephant symbolizes the power and authority of the king. The designs on the front and back panels have symbolic significance and are created with small, colorful beads that are individually sewn to a cloth backing. This example is adorned with an upper row of three crocodiles and a lower row of three human figures in white representing ancestors. There is an inverted double gong above the central human figure, indicating royal status. On custom base. Cloth, glass beads. H 60in.

High Bid:
$50.00 – verncolon

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $50


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PRESTIGIOUS BLACKSMITH?S TONGS. Nupe people, Nigeria. Suspended by a chain, these tongs hung around a blacksmith?s neck as a symbol of his important status in the community. Worn on ceremonial occasions and rarely used in his work. In this excellent example that has been mounted like the form of a human figure, the gracefully curved ends of the handles are wrapped with copper. Ceremonial tongs were highly prized by their owner and rarely relinquished, but they were sometimes offered in exchange in important transactions. On custom base. Hand forged iron with iron chain, copper. H 17in.

High Bid:
$100.00 – guyro

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $100


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ROYAL ELEPHANT FETISH FIGURE. Fon people, Benin. The elephant has been emblematic of the power of Fon Kings for centuries. One tusk from each elephant killed by a hunter belonged to the King, and the King had the right to purchase the other tusk. Sculptures of elephants and other animals symbolic of royal power such as the leopard were placed around the royal court and at altars. This unusual example, dating from the late 19th or early 20th century was created with hammered sheets of silver/nickel alloy tacked over a wood form that may contain fetish material. The brown iron eyes refer to the King?s intense, strong gaze. Silver/nickel sheeting, tacks, wood form, iron. H 13.5in W 24in. Another example of a Fon elephant sculpture can be found on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Also see ?Critic?s Notebook? in the New York Times 12/26/03.

High Bid:
$60.00 – blurry

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $60


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TWISTED PENNY CURRENCY BUNDLES. Kissi people, Guinea/Liberia/Ivory Coast. T-shaped iron rods with a twisted shaft that terminate at one end in lateral pointed appendages symbolic of wings or ears (nileng) were widely used as currency among the Kissi people, even as late as the 1950s. During the colonial period, one rod had the value of a British penny, hence the name Kissi penny. Bundles of these rods are still used as bride wealth in traditional marriage ceremonies. The flat, round or oval enlargement at the non-T end is considered to be the foot (kodo) or tail. The rods came in various lengths. The structural features of the rod were considered an indicator of the quality of the iron as demonstrated by the ability to twist the shaft, draw the wings out to fine points, and flatten the foot into a thin plate. The value of Kissi pennies was increased when they were forged into bundles which played an important role as symbols of wealth and prestige. When given as bride wealth, the bundle signifies the bond of marriage. Dated 1930s. Each on custom base. Hand forged iron. (A) Two tall rods H 21in. (B) Seven short slender rods H 13.5in. Exhibited at the Pen and Brush Gallery NY 2003.

High Bid:
$45.00 – blurry

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $45


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BUJI (SOMBE) CURRENCY BUNDLE. Kissi people, Guinea/Liberia. Buji were precursors to Kissi pennies and date from the 18th century. Both were referred to as quenze by the Kissi people. Buji are short rods that resemble a human thigh bone (femur) averaging 8 to 10 inches in length. The delicate, straight shaft is U-shaped in cross section whereas the cross section of a Kissi penny is square or slightly rectangular and twisted. Individual buji were used as currency and in bundles they were given as bride wealth to the family of a prospective bride. This bundle tied with rope resemble a small bouquet of flowers. On custom base. Hand forged iron, rope. H 10in.

High Bid:
$160.00 – spinoza

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $160


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OUTSTANDING ?THROWING? KNIFE (SENGESE). Matakam and Kapsiki people, Cameroon. The Matakam, Kapsiki and other tribes living in the Mandara Mountains are known for having developed this F-form knife which is too heavy to be easily thrown and was used as a hand held weapon by mounted warriors. The curved blade is sharp on both edges. The knee below the blade was used as a club. The knife was carried by a thong strung between the loop on the back edge and a ring at the base of the handle. There are engraved designs on the curved part of the shaft, the knee, spine and the semilunar blade at the top. The handle is wrapped with leather cord over wood slats. On custom base. Hand forged iron, wood, leather. H22in.

High Bid:
$130.00 – gaithaus

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $130


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CRUCIFORM COPPER INGOT CURRENCY (HANDA) AND MALACHITE COPPER ORE FROM A KATANGA MINE. Luba people, Katanga region of Congo. (A) These cross-shaped copper ingots were produced and used as currency in the copper-rich Katanga region of the Congo and to the East in what is now Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The molten copper was poured into molds carved in soapstone, made from fired clay, or created in wet sand. The surface of the cross reveals the texture of the mold in which it was created. There is a characteristic raised rib on one side where the ribs cross. Note the distinctly red color of the copper where surface oxidation has been erased which is the source of the term red gold to describe copper. Handas were in use until the 1920s. It is reported that a bride could be obtained with 14 handas, one goat and a female slave. As late as 1907, a male slave cost 3 to 5 handas. On custom base. (B) Malachite copper ore with beautiful bright green oxidized patina. From the Mashamba West Mine in Katanga province, Congo. Weight 12.8 oz.

High Bid:
$325.00 – ibuythings

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $325


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RARE VERTICAL ASAFO MILITA FLAG. Fante people, Ghana. This rare vertical flag depicts Srahmantin, a giant, powerful female bush spirit who protects her offspring and friends from their enemies. She is nursing two unidentified bush animals. The Company that owns this flag claims to be protected by this bush spirit, as expressed in the proverb, ?A good spirit always looks after her young?. This flag warns rivals not to attack because the Company is protected by a powerful spirit. Less than 5% of Asafo flags are vertical. The canton is the Ghana national flag. The figures are hand sewn with embroidered details. Cotton textile. Collected in Ghana. 54in x 37in. Exhibited at the Free Library Gallery Philadelphia 2012, SMA Fathers Museum of African Art Tenafly NJ 2013 and the University of Memphis Museum TN 2015. Published in ?Emblems of Power. Asafo Flags from Ghana? 2013 p87 Fig 90. THIS BOOK IS ONLY AVAILABLE FROM THE AUTHORS AT

High Bid:
$140.00 – vacilles

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $140


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10 RARE ASAFO FLAG BEARER/DANCER'S SKIRT. Fante people, Ghana. The man who carries and performs with an Asafo flag (frankaa) is the frankaakitsanyi. This is a very important position in the Asafo Company that requires long training as an apprentice and great agility (see picture). The skirt may be made from plain or dyed grass, or sewn from fine, colorful fabric which in this case is red velvet with satin bands. H 22in.

High Bid:
$100.00 – ibuythings

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $100


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TWO SUPI WHIPS. Fante people, Ghana. The Supi is the commanding officer or Captain of an Asafo Company. He is the custodian of Asafo regalia including flags, money and military material. The whip, which in the past was used to keep members of the Company under control, is the emblem of the Supi?s authority. The whips consist of braided leather thongs joined at the top to form a loop handle that fits around the Supi?s wrist. These whips, being an extremely important part of Asafo regalia, are rarely available to collectors. Leather. H 25in, 26in. See Fig 5, P 29 in ?Emblems of Power. Asafo Flags from Ghana?.

High Bid:
$45.00 – vacilles

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $45


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EIGHT 17TH TO 19TH CENTURY GOLD WEIGHTS. Ghana, formerly the Gold Coast, and the surrounding region is naturally rich in gold that occurs mainly in the form of small particles or dust. Gold was an important form of currency in the region for many centuries and by the 18th century it was used in virtually all transactions from buying yams in a market to affairs of state. Every person engaged in any form of commercial activity (buying and selling) needed to have equipment for measuring and weighing gold ?dust?, including a set of weights. Many brass weights were cast by the lost wax method specifically for this purpose. The 2 smallest weights in this lot, one of which has a swastika motif, date from the 17th century. The other 6 weights, including square and triangular fortress shapes, date from the 19th century. Weight varies from 0.5oz to 1.7oz.

High Bid:
$80.00 – ibuythings

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $80


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HEAD CREST MASK. Temne people, Sierra Leone. A deer head with branching horns stands above a female bust at the base of this Ode-Lay Hunters Society mask. Deer of this sort with a rack of horns are not indigenous to Africa. It has been reported that in the past, members of the Ode-Lay Hunters Society wore head crests made from the freshly decapitated heads of prey they had killed. In time, this practice fell into disfavor with the British colonial administration and carved or papier maché replicas of animal heads were substituted, or real animal heads preserved by taxidermy were sent to Sierra Leone by expatriates living in the United States. When the importation of preserved deer heads was outlawed, carved copies such as this lot were substituted. Nails in the base were used to attach the mask to a supporting armature and for suspending a costume that covered the performer. Wood, paint, nails. H 26.5in. Published in ?Masks from West and Central Africa? p70 Fig 86. Exhibited at the Free Library Gallery Philadelphia 2012.

High Bid:
$50.00 – horsefeathersonewpaltz

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $50


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TWO EAST AFRICAN HEADRESTS. Kenya. Each is carved from a single block with rich patina that reveals the fine grain of the wood. (A) Makan or Me?en people. The bilobed surface is supported by a pedestal that is balanced on a hemispheric base. A braided leather loop for carrying is attached to the pedestal. A ring of very small tacks encircles a slightly larger tack on the top marking the center of the rings of the wood grain. Four small rings of aluminum wire are attached to the leather loop. This headrest (which also served as a stool) was carved from the dense heart wood of a tree to ensure durability. Wood, leather, metal. H 6.75in. (B) Turkana people. This arch-shaped headrest was carved along the wood grain which is beautifully displayed along the sides of the legs. A thong for carrying was passed through holes in each leg. The legs are splayed for greater stability. Wood. H 6.5in.

High Bid:
$100.00 – westparkjim

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $100


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OLD MANILLA-FORM BRACELETS. Tuareg people, Niger. These C-shaped bracelets dating from the mid-1800s were used as currency for major transactions as well as for adornment. The ends (feet) are faceted to simulate amulets, a feature of Tuareg bracelets, and have symbolic markings. Each on a custom base. (A) The shaft is faceted and has linear dots on the under surface near the feet. Brass. H 3in. (B) Shaft is twisted. Markings worn away from feet. Inner surface of shaft worn from use. Copper alloy. H 3.5in.

High Bid:
$475.00 – ibuythings

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $475


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RARE ARON ARABAI CHIEFTANCY MASK. Temne people, Sierra Leone. This mask represents the protective spirit or Karfi of the clan of a Chief. Each ruling clan has one mask which is present when the Chief is installed. In some cases, the brass face was attached to a leather helmet, but in this instance the face has been sewn into a hood of hand-woven country cloth. Writing in 1991 WA Hart (see referenced article), who studied these masks in Sierra Leone, noted that ?no chieftancy mask, so far as I can discover, is in any museum collection in Europe or the United States?. This example has paired embossed scarifications on the forehead, cheeks and jaw. The ears and nose are separate pieces attached to the face, a typical feature of the Aron Arabai mask. Brass. H 10.5in.

High Bid:
$60.00 – eronori

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $60


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RARE CURRENCY HOE. Koma people, Nigeria, northern Cameroon. Collected in the Mambila district (now the Sardauna province) on the border between Nigeria and Cameroon. Used as dowry payment and as a farming implement when attached to a wooden handle. On custom base. Hand forged iron. H 16in.

High Bid:
$90.00 – mayflower

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $90


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U-SHAPED CALABAR ROD CURRENCY. Esu, Efik, Ibo and other people, southern Nigeria. Copper rods measuring about 3 ft in length were introduced into Africa for trade by the English in the 17th century. They were used throughout the Cross River region. In the early 1600s, a male slave cost 23 rods and by the end of the 1600s a male slave cost 38 rods. The Calabar rod became a unit of measure even after they were replaced as an item of trade by iron bars at the end of the 19th century. This example consists of six rods each measuring about 3 ft long and 1/4in in diameter. Artfully presented on a custom base. Ex Roberto Ballarini collection, Milan Italy.

High Bid:
$60.00 – guyro

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $60


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BRIDE WEALTH CURRENCY WITH DOUBLE COILS. Mafa and Matakam people, Cameroon. Both date from the late 19th or early 20th century. Each on custom base. Hand forged iron. (A) H 5in. Ex Roberto Ballarini collection Milan Italy. (B) Iron H 4.5in.

High Bid:
$200.00 – eronori

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $200


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BIFURCATED SERPENTINE FETISH. Chamba people, Nigeria. Possibly related to the Mami Wata cult involving worship of snakes. Dated around 1860 or earlier. On custom base. Hand forged iron. H 29in. Ex Martial Bronsin collection Brussels Belgium.

High Bid:
$25.00 – horsefeathersonewpaltz

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $25


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RARE T-SHAPED NKASE BRIDE WEALTH CURRENCY. Yako people, Nigeria. The Yako are a tribe of about 40,000 persons who live in the rainforest of southeastern Nigeria along the Cross River. Nkase was used as a dowry payment. One surface of this superb example has a fine etched design (see drawing). Hand forged iron. H 12in.

High Bid:
$30.00 – horsefeathersonewpaltz

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $30


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NGEEGUE RITUAL THROWING KNIFE. Sara Daye people, Chad and Central African Republic. Ngeegue with a curved blade that resembles a shepherd?s crook represents the female principle among the Sara Daye people. As their most important ritual object, it is under the control of the King (Mbang) who displays it and other ritual throwing knifes (miyo-bo) to his subjects once a year. Otherwise, it is kept in a special hut facing the setting sun. An F-shaped throwing knife representing maleness sits in the same hut facing the dawn. The blade is sharp and is estimated to be more than 100 years old. One custom base. Hand forged iron. H 20in. Ex Martial Bronsin collection Brussels Belgium.

High Bid:
$40.00 – spinoza

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $40


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DRAMATIC WINGED ILER (HILAIRE) HOE. Songhai people, Niger and Mali. The winged blade is adapted to farming in the sandy soil of northern Mali and Niger on the border of the Sahara Desert. A long wooden handle was inserted in the socket at the base. Said to be more than 100 years old. On custom base. Hand forged iron (see picture). H 16in.

High Bid:
$30.00 – verncolon

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $30


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KONGA OR BOLOKO U-SHAPED ROD CURRENCY. Nkutshu and Basongo Meno people, Congo. This currency was referred to as Konga by the Nkutsu people and as Boloko by the Basongo Mena people. It was produced by Nkutshu blacksmiths and used as currency to buy copper ore from the Basongo Meno people. Boloko were used to buy slaves and as bride wealth payments by the Basongo Meno. In 1910, the bride wealth payment was 10 boloko and a male slave cost 2 boloko. The significance of the flat, disc-shaped feet is not known other than they provide support. Boloko were still used as currency in the 1950s when 1 boloko was worth 30 Belgian francs. Boloko were largely absent from Western collections until the 1980s. (A) Copper. H 12in. (B) Copper. H 15in.

High Bid:
$50.00 – spinoza

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $50


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SPEAR HEAD CURRENCY. Ngbakaa, Mbili, and Bangala people, Congo. Used by the Ngbaka and other groups as bride wealth payment. The knob at the top and the wings at the base of the blade emphasize the non-utilitarian nature of the object. Often referred to as Bangala currency by collectors. This example is thought to be at least 100 years old. On custom base. Hand forged iron. H 15in.

High Bid:
$40.00 – vacilles

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $40


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SEVEN 19TH CENTURY GOLD COAST GOLD WEIGHTS. Various shapes including triangle, square, and rectangle. Some notched and perforated. Some with raised abstract designs. See LOT #12 for further information about Gold Coast gold weights. Weights range from 0.4oz to 1.7oz.

High Bid:
$40.00 – gaithaus

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $40


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COPPER MBOLE ANKLETS (2). Mbole, Mongo, Jonga, Hamba and other people, Congo. Worn by men and women, and used as currency in important transactions including bride wealth. They were also symbols of status. Wearing one on the right ankle denoted lower status than wearing one on each ankle. Diameter and weight were also important indicators of status, with larger, heavier examples reserved for the highest ranking members of the community. They were made by hammering a rectangular copper plate into the hollow, circular form which was a remarkable feat of the blacksmith?s skill. Not cast in a mold. Although referred to as ?Mbole anklets? by collectors, they were made, worn, and used as currency by multiple tribes in the region of the Kasai and Lomami Rivers. (A) Heavy ring WITH UNUSUAL ENGRAVED RECTANGULAR DESIGNS near both ends. Diameter 5.5in. 2.2lb. (B) Small anklet, possibly for a child. 4.5in 10oz.

High Bid:
$60.00 – dext

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $60


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THREE DUBIL CURRENCY RODS. Sukur people, Nigeria and Cameroon. This iron rod currency was made from locally smelted iron by tribal blacksmiths in the Madagoli region of northern Nigeria and Cameroon living in the Mandara Mountains. The blacksmith?s hammer marks are readily apparent. The form with flared ends (that resembles a tibia or shin bone) dates from as early as the 16th century and possibly earlier. In the early 1700s, a male slave cost 13 dubil and a female slave 10 dubil. On custom magnetic base. Hand forged locally smelted iron. H 14-16in.

High Bid:
$20.00 – jonned

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $20


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TWO MEN?S HOES. Karango people, Zimbabwe. Throughout most of Africa, weeding in traditional farming practice has been done with light weight hoes with short wooden handles. It was important that the hoe be as light as possible because many women farmers also had babies strapped to their backs. A man without the burden of a child and stronger shoulders could use a heavier hoe with an iron handle. (A) 15in long handle with round shaft welded to a 6.5in wide blade. White blotches on the blade are the remnants of moth cocoons (hoes were typically hung outside of a house). (B) 10.5in flat handle with flared base. Handle and blade are a single piece of iron bent at a 60 degree angle. Blacksmith?s hammer marks evident, especially on handle. Both hand forged dating from 1950s.

High Bid:
$90.00 – ibuythings

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $90


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ANCIENT RITUAL GONG WITH HUMAN FIGURE. Dogon people, northern Mali. Discovered in a cave in the Bandiagara cliffs. Possibly dating from the 18th century or earlier. On custom base. Hand forged iron. H 11.5in.

High Bid:
$60.00 – estate

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $60


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FOUR WEST AFRICAN BRACELETS. (A) Mitako coil currency bracelet, Congo. Three rings of 4-sided imported copper alloy wire. Ends have been flattened. Late 19th century. On custom base. Diameter 4in. (B) Twisted coil bracelet called bochie. Made from an imported copper wire. Ends of the bracelet have hairpin turns that were the masterwork of a highly skilled Nigerian blacksmith. In order to appreciate how difficult this is to accomplish with a copper rod hot enough to bend without breaking, one can try to duplicate this feat with a cool stick of licorice candy. Very few, if any, living African blacksmiths can make such a twisted ring. Bochie were highly valued and were often placed in graves with their owners. This example was excavated in the Calabar region of southeastern Nigeria. Copper. Diameter 4in. (C) Yoruba people, western Nigeria. Made from half inch brass rod bent to bracelet form. Spiral engraved design. Patina from wear. On custom base. Diameter 4in. (D) Tuareg people, Mali and Niger. Man?s arm ring called ahbeg worn just above the elbow on one or both arms. Carved from indigenous gneiss stone. On custom base. Diameter 4.75in. Collected in Mopti, Mali, a city on the bank of the Niger River, in 2003. This region is not safe to visit today due to terrorist activity. The US State Department recommends staying away. Visitors are advised to prepare a will and arrange for repatriation of their body in advance if they go to Mali now.

High Bid:
$40.00 – spinoza

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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BRIDE WEALTH SPEAR-FORM CURRENCY. Ngbaka people, Congo. Both from locally smelted, hand forged iron with blacksmith?s hammer marks. Said to date from mid-19th century or earlier. (A) The ?male? form with a distinct point. If a man accepted a girl or woman presented to him as a bride by her family, he would plant one or more of these spear-form objects upright in the ground in front of her family compound. If the offer was rejected, he would lay the blade flat on the ground. H 17in. (B) The ?female? version with a conical knob at the top. Used by the potential bride?s family with same protocol. If the suitor was accepted, the spear was planted upright in the ground. If his suit was rejected, the blade was laid flat on the ground by her family. H 16.5in.

High Bid:
$40.00 – spinoza

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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BANDAKA BRIDEWEALTH CURRENCY. Mambila and Chamba people, Cameroon. (A) ?Jellyfish? form probably derived from a hoe with the curved handle ending in a loop indicating that this is not a functional tool. Although the blade is a single piece of iron, it is divided into two parts which are slightly offset from each other (another sign that this is not a functional tool). The purpose of the rounded knob on the lower edge of the blade is not known. An iron band has been wrapped midshaft, probably to enhance its value. On custom base. Hand forged iron. H 15in. (B) Hoe bride wealth that may be a precursor of the larger ?jellyfish? form. Note the loop at the base of the stem. Hand forged iron. H 8.5in.

High Bid:
$35.00 – vacilles

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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Current Bid: $35


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IRON ROD CURRENCY. Ibibio, Efik, and other people in Cross River and Calabar region, Nigeria. These 9 flat rods measuring 13.5in to 16in in length and 3/8 to 5/8in wide date from the 1850s to 1900. All show blacksmith?s hammer marks and were probably traded to natives by Europeans for slaves (female slave worth 10 rods) and used by Africans as currency or to make tools. On custom base. Ex Roberto Ballarini collection, Milan Italy.

High Bid:
$40.00 – estate

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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HEAVY ANKLET WITH 4 RIBS. Ngata (Waangata), Kutu (Bakutu), Kela (Akela) and other Mongo subgroups. Named Konga and Likonga by Africans, these anklets were used as currency by various tribes in the Mongo group. Emil Torday, a Hungarian who explored the Congo for the British Museum in 1907-1909 reported that the ?Akela use copper ankle rings as currency which are called Konga?. In 1925, the Belgian explorer Alfred Mahieu noted that ?the Wangata use the Likonga as their main currency? which was worth 2.5 Belgian francs at that time. These anklets were produced by Kutu blacksmith living near the Akela and other tribes of the Mongo group. To make the anklet, molten copper alloy (mostly copper with lead added to increase its weight) was poured into a mold. When partly cooled and formed but still malleable, the flat bar was bent over a log to a curved shape leaving a nubby grain on the inner surface. Dark patina from age with bright copper showing on ribs where rubbed. Diameter 5.5in. Weight 7lb.

High Bid:
$70.00 – blurry

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

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#36 – THREE EXAMPLES OF WEST AFRICAN MANILLA CURRENCY. Manillas are a diverse group of iron, copper, and brass forms of African currency. Origin of the term manilla has been attributed to manilho or manillio, said to refer to bracelet in Portuguese and Spanish. Manillas have semi-circular C-shapes, U- or elongated U-shapes, as well as ring and coiled forms. The majority of manillas used in Africa were of European origin, but some were also produced by Africans, especially in the Congo. The major European sources of manillas were the Portuguese, the English who brought Birmingham manillas, the French who brought ''popo'' manillas cast in Nantes, and the Dutch with manillas made in Amsterdam. Larger manillas were classified by the British and other Europeans according to size and weight as King, Queen, and Prince manillas. Manillas were accepted by Africans in trade for a vast variety of goods which Europeans shipped back to their countries, including slaves. Manillas were also used as currency by Africans in major transactions such as bride price, as prestige items (often placed in tombs), and as a store of wealth. This was especially true for ''King'' and ''Queen'' manillas which frequently were decorated with engraved designs, inscriptions, or the owner's name and hidden or buried to protect them. Each on custom base. (A) British C-form ''okpoho'' manilla from Birmingham with flared feet. Late 18th century. Exported to Calabar region of Nigeria. Copper alloy. Width 3.5in. Weight 5.2oz.(B) Extended U-form ''Prince'' manilla with faceted cross-section and faceted, square feet. Exported to Congo from Belgium in the 18th century. Copper. Width 7.5in. Weight 2lb. (C) ''King'' extended U-form manilla with quadrilateral cross-section. Spiral designs along 3 of the 4 edges. One surface has an inscription or name engraved in capital English letters. Imported from Britain in the 18th century and excavated from a stash of manillas in central Nigeria. Square faced feet. Width 13.5in. Weight 11lb.

Current Bid: $70


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THREE EXAMPLES OF WEST AFRICAN MANILLA CURRENCY. Manillas are a diverse group of iron, copper, and brass forms of African currency. Origin of the term manilla has been attributed to manilho or manillio, said to refer to bracelet in Portuguese and Spanish. Manillas have semi-circular C-shapes, U- or elongated U-shapes, as well as ring and coiled forms. The majority of manillas used in Africa were of European origin, but some were also produced by Africans, especially in the Congo. The major European sources of manillas were the Portuguese, the English who brought Birmingham manillas, the French who brought ?popo? manillas cast in Nantes, and the Dutch with manillas made in Amsterdam. Larger manillas were classified by the British and other Europeans according to size and weight as King, Queen, and Prince manillas. Manillas were accepted by Africans in trade for a vast variety of goods which Europeans shipped back to their countries, including slaves. Manillas were also used as currency by Africans in major transactions such as bride price, as prestige items (often placed in tombs), and as a store of wealth. This was especially true for ?King? and ?Queen? manillas which frequently were decorated with engraved designs, inscriptions, or the owner?s name and hidden or buried to protect them. Each on custom base. (A) British C-form ?okpoho? manilla from Birmingham with flared feet. Late 18th century. Exported to Calabar region of Nigeria. Copper alloy. Width 3.5in. Weight 5.2oz.(B) Extended U-form ?Prince? manilla with faceted cross-section and faceted, square feet. Exported to Congo from Belgium in the 18th century. Copper. Width 7.5in. Weight 2lb. (C) ?King? extended U-form manilla with quadrilateral cross-section. Spiral designs along 3 of the 4 edges. One surface has an inscription or name engraved in capital English letters. Imported from Britain in the 18th century and excavated from a stash of manillas in central Nigeria. Square faced feet. Width 13.5in. Weight 11lb.

High Bid:
$100.00 – westparkjim

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $100


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SPIRAL COIL MANILLA. Nigeria. Coiled manillas were made by Nigerian blacksmiths from imported copper wire. They were used as currency for important transactions with value depending on length, the number of coils, thickness of the wire, cross section shape of the wire (diamond vs round), and shape of the feet or ends (conical or discoid). Used most widely in the Calabar and Cross River regions from the 18th to the early 20th centuries. This example made from round wire with twenty-seven coils with each ring 4in in diameter is 10.5in long and has conical feet. Because of their high value, coiled manillas were often hidden in buried stashes and placed in graves with their deceased owners. This coiled manilla is reported to have been excavated in the Igbo-Ukwu region in the early 1900s. On custom base. Weight 7lb.

High Bid:
$90.00 – ibuythings

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $90


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HEAVY CONGOLESE BRASS ANKLETS. These heavy anklet/leg bands were forged by blacksmiths who poured molten brass into a mold. The mold was created by pressing a wooden form in specially prepared wet sand mixed with clay which hardens like concrete when dry. While the metal was still very hot, the ingot was bent over the trunk of a tree to achieve the correct shape. The anklet was worn by a woman during celebratory events as a sign of wealth. Her feet and ankles were protected with pads of cloth and leaves (litelele). See picture. The anklets were also a form of currency in important transactions. A high sheen was created by polishing the surface with a smooth stone. (A) Kutu (Bakutu), Ekonda, Kota and other Mongo subgroups. Worn with high side in back and slit in the front. Copper alloy. H 9in. Weight 7.2lb. (B) and (C) Budja and Ngombe Mongo subgroups. Anklets like these are reportedly from Bozene village located on a tributary of the Congo River. They were the work of a highly skilled blacksmith able to create heavy objects such as these with numerous nearly flawless fine ribs and channels using primitive molds. (B) Copper H 6in Weight 6.4lb. (C) Copper alloy H 3in Weight 4.2lb.

High Bid:
$80.00 – horsefeathersonewpaltz

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $80


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WEST AFRICAN GONGS AND GONG BEATERS. (A) Fon people, Benin. Ceremonial gong. Iron. H 15in. (B) Yoruba people, Nigeria. Ceremonial gong and gong beater. Each with looped handle. Each on custom base. Iron. Gong H 9in Beater H 12in. (C) Mossi people, Burkina Faso. Unusual shape for a gong with curved handle. On custom base. Iron. H 9.5in. (D) Asante people, Ghana. Contemporary gong with traditional form made from recycled iron. Collected in 2004 in the main Kumasi market. Gongs like this were still used at that time to summon villagers to gather. H 15in. (E) Malinke people, Guinea. Articulated gong beater used for a large gong. On custom base. H 9in.

High Bid:
$90.00 – vacilles

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $90


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FOUR ANIMAL GOLDWEIGHTS. Gold Coast (Ghana and Ivory Coast). All brass and lost wax cast. See LOT #!2 for more information about gold weights. (A) Monkey on all four legs holding a banana in one hand. H1.5in 2.2oz. (B) Stork on base. H 2.5in 2.1oz. (C) Hornbill bird on cannon on a pyramidal base. H 2.5in 4.4oz. (D) Two crocodiles with a round common body. Represents the proverb, ?No sense fighting over food since it all goes to one stomach?. A symbol of cooperation. H 0.5in 1.6oz.

High Bid:
$30.00 – thegrange

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $30


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CROCODILE BRACELET. Gan people (a subgroup of Lobi people), Burkina Faso. Depicts the head of a submerged crocodile with only its eyes and nostrils visible above the surface of the water. Solid brass. Length 7in.

High Bid:
$40.00 – gaithaus

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $40


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BRACELET WITH FINE FILIGREE DESIGN. Grasslands people (probably Bamileke), Cameroon. A masterpiece of hollow cast copper with an elaborate filigree design, Inner surface smooth from wear. Copper. Width 5in.

High Bid:
$150.00 – ibuythings

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $150


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SIX UNUSUAL WEST AFRICAN BRACELETS. (A) Dogon people, Mali. Primordial female figure. Brass. 3.5in. (B) Dogon people, Mali. Primordial male figure. Brass. 3.5in. (C) Asante people, Ghana. Siamese crocodiles with a common body representing cooperation as expressed in the Asante proverb, ?No sense fighting over the food: it all goes to the same stomach?. Brass. 4in. (D) Mossi people, Burkina Faso. Satellite-form. Brass. 4.5in. (E) Bobo people, Burkina Faso. Excavated many years ago at the site of an abandoned village. Note the different motifs on the upper and lower edges. Brass. 5in. (F) Dogon people, Mali. A male and a female figure representing the primordial human couple (Adam and Eve) of the Dogon people. Man has a beard denoting a wise elder. Brass. 3.5in.

High Bid:
$50,000.00 – cnr

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $50,000


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2016 John Deere model 324K articulating wheel loader with heat, AC, radio, hours reading 1057, third and fourth function hook ups, differntial locks, electric locking device, undercoating inhibitor. PIN 1LU324KXAZB043606. Everything on this machine is in working order right down to the high/low beams and blinkers! This machine was only serviced with genuine John Deere filters. For more information, see attached specification booklet and the video below.

High Bid:
$2,600.00 – dext

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $2,600


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2012 Genie DPL-35S. Serial# DPL11-1965. Max. Height - 34ft 10in. Max Load - 600 Lbs. Manual movement with electrical lift controls. See video below.

High Bid:
$14,200.00 – ahcorp

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $14,200


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Fecon Bull Hog with three line high flow function. Model# BH062SS3-DCR-1V-S650. Serial# 00BH062010177. Working Width: 50 in., Overall Width: 63 in., Standard Weight: 2,325 lbs., Min Flow: 24 gpm and Max Flow: 45 gpm. This attachment was purchased approx 8 or 9 months ago to complete two jobs. See video below.

High Bid:
$1,850.00 – peanutbaby

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $1,850


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2001 Chevrolet Blazer 4.3L V6, 2 wheel drive, VIN # 1GNCS18W51K185262 having automatic transmission, cloth interior, power windows/locks/mirrors, heat/AC, AM/FM radio with CD player, odometer reading 100165 miles. Driver door lock replaced having no key for lock. ** Please see additional photos **

High Bid:
$3,100.00 – gcard910

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $3,100


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2009 Buick Lucerne 3.9L V6 VIN # 1G4HP57159U137785 having automatic transmission, AM/FM radio with CD player and AUX port, power windows/locks/mirrors, cloth interior, heat/AC, steering wheel controls, OnStar capability, odometer reading 110611 miles. Starts and runs. Has title and Bill of Sale.

High Bid:
$2,500.00 – gcard910

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $2,500


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2009 Chevrolet Malibu 3.5L V6 VIN # 1G1ZG57KX94267460 having automatic transmission, power windows/locks/mirrors/2-way adjustable driver seat, cloth interior, AM/FM radio with CD player and AUX port, heat/AC, odometer reading 168100 miles. Starts and runs. Has title and Bill of Sale.

High Bid:
$600.00 – 60

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $600


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2003 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD outfitted for food service, 6.0L V8 2WD VIN# 1GBHC24U23E285590 having automatic transmission, leather interior, AM/FM radio, heat & A/C. Mileage unknow, when vehicle is running gauge cluster does not work. Starts and runs. Has title and Bill of Sale.

High Bid:
$50.00 – camomile

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $50


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French style tufted carved arm chair.

High Bid:
$80.00 – rover63

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $80


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Ethan Allen tufted 3 seat sofa, tufted details.

High Bid:
$25.00 – 1484

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $25


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Maine Cottage American Made Furniture, Full-Size Kids-Room headboard only, very good condition.

High Bid:
$25.00 – busboy

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $25


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Dartboard Cabinet Game with darts, Electrified, working condition (26x48h).

High Bid:
$40.00 – camomile

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $40


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Ottomans Pair, Ralph Lauren Floral fabric with castors, 29"Lx19"Wx17"T and Blue Dot fabric with wood legs, 33"Lx21"Wx17"T.

High Bid:
$12.00 – camomile

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $12


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Victorian pair of side chair with embroidery seat.

High Bid:
$25.00 – bae101grp

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $25


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Vintage used US Army Cots, foldable.

High Bid:
$45.00 – jacques1

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $45


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Duncan Phyfe style Antique sofa, nice carving details (90"Wx23"Dx35"H).

High Bid:
$40.00 – spinx

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $40


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Pair of Gone With The Wind style lamps, with floral motif, glass shade and hurricane, working condition.

High Bid:
$45.00 – camomile

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $45


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Cast Aluminum 3 pieces set, Rolling cart with removable tray, Demilune shape console table and round small 2 tier side table (smaller tier needs repair, see photo).

High Bid:
$35.00 – camomile

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $35


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Vintage painted white rolling cart with glass shelf, rubber tire cracked see photo.

High Bid:
$5.00 – cantoepillo

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $5


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Machine made area rug with floral motif. 8'x5'7".

High Bid:
$2.00 – thegrange

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $2


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E. Graham Co. Bristol Ct. Mantle Clock with pendulum and key (20"Tx11.5"W), unknown working condition, top right side missing piece of carving, see photo.

High Bid:
$35.00 – camomile

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $35


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Hand Knotted vintage area rug, good condition. Approx. 9'x11'.

High Bid:
$140.00 – sista78

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $140


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Vintage 20 drawers Lingerie chest, solid wood.

High Bid:
$1.00 – thegrange

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $1


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Signed abstract painting on canvas by Van Stafford (60x48).

High Bid:
$20.00 – jacques1

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $20


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Signed abstract painting on canvas by Jeri (60x48).

High Bid:
$1.00 – jacques1

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $1


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Upholstered Barrel chair with seat cushion. The chair is on castors. Small stain on side and bottom of cushion. See photos 33"Tx36"Wx36"D. Cushion 17"Tx24"Dx20"W.

High Bid:
$25.00 – bae101grp

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $25


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Butcher Block Style round solid Oak pedestal kitchen table with four matching chairs. Good condition normal wear and tear. No scratches or dings. Table 41"dia x 30"T. Chairs 38"T at back x 18"Wx18"Dx18"T seat from floor.

High Bid:
$45.00 – jacques1

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $45


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100% Wool Rug hand tufted. 8'x11'. Pattern Twigs Colors Natural

High Bid:
$4.00 – onemorething

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $4


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Glass Top Coffee Table Brass color aluminum base and legs manufactured by Metal Dimensions a division of Miller Industries, Miami Florida. Modern design. Glass top is 36"x36" Aluminum base is 36"Wx39"Lx15"T. See photos there are a few scratches on base and legs. Normal wear and tear.

High Bid:
$8.00 – toshiba845

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $8


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Glass Top Coffee Table with Stainless Steel legs with brass Hoof detail. Pretty shape legs with criss cross detail very thick glass. Glass is 36"x36"x1/2T. Frame is 30"x30"x17"T. Glass is in good condition no chips or dings on edges. Frame normal wear and tear, with some small scratches. See photos

High Bid:
$110.00 – pae

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $110


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Needlepoint Rug with floral motif. Colors Pink and Burghandy muted with Tan and beige background colors. All very muted and soft colors. Rug size 10'3"x13'6".

High Bid:
$35.00 – keith379

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $35


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Ethan Allen Oriental hand made rug with black cloth lining. Muted colors with floral motif. Tans, Pinks and browns. Rug size is 8 feet widex11 feet 3 inches long. Good condition normal wear and tear.

High Bid:
$1.00 – 9604183

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $1


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Poster, Print and Photograph Lot, Signed photograph of Central Park, NYC, 1986, Signed photograph of Montauk Point Lighthouse, Union College poster, Print of Palm Tree, 3 Angel Tiles in frame, Print of Red Bamboo chair and Venice Scene Oil on Canvas (poke hole in canvas) signed A. Bigarello, Alphabet poster, 2 display boards with black felt and gold frames. Oil on Canvas Still Life Floral painting. Largest sized piece is 36"Wx24"T.

High Bid:
$60.00 – camomile

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $60


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Braided Wool Rug Round Heritage of Craftmanship. Green edging with multiple colors. One small sections needs to be restitched. Size 7'6".

High Bid:
$3.00 – ghobi68

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $3


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California King Size Custom Tufted Headboard, very nice details and in good condition (80x67h). ONLY HEADBOARD.

High Bid:
$90.00 – keith379

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $90


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Ethan Allen Upholstered Recliner on wood legs (32x33x42h).

High Bid:
$2,200.00 – bearman29

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $2,200


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Hunter Engineering Company heavy duty commercial drive on lift model L421-14K 208/230 V single phase with two Hunter 8000lb capacity center jacks. Approx. 133" x 211" exterior post dimensions. This lot was reported to be in working condition when the business stopped approx. 10 years ago. There is no power in the building. The buyer is responsible to bring the proper tools, equipment, help, and supplies for the proper and safe removal to the first disconnect.

High Bid:
$700.00 – johnaq

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $700


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Outrigger Benwil two post lift model TPO-7 with a 7000lb capacity. Approx. 136" wide outside edges of posts by 150" tall. This lot was reported to be in working condition when the business stopped approx. 10 years ago. There is no power in the building. The buyer is responsible to bring the proper tools, equipment, help, and supplies for the proper and safe removal to the first disconnect.

High Bid:
$700.00 – unlimitedfunds

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $700


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Outrigger Benwil two post lift model TPO-7 with a 7000lb capacity. Approx. 136" wide outside edges of posts by 150" tall. This lot was reported to be in working condition when the business stopped approx. 10 years ago. There is no power in the building. The buyer is responsible to bring the proper tools, equipment, help, and supplies for the proper and safe removal to the first disconnect.

High Bid:
$700.00 – johnaq

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $700


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Outrigger Benwil two post lift model TPO-7 with a 7000lb capacity. Approx. 136" wide outside edges of posts by 150" tall. This lot was reported to be in working condition when the business stopped approx. 10 years ago. There is no power in the building. The buyer is responsible to bring the proper tools, equipment, help, and supplies for the proper and safe removal to the first disconnect.

High Bid:
$700.00 – unlimitedfunds

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $700


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Outrigger Benwil two post lift model TPO-7 with a 7000lb capacity. Approx. 136" wide outside edges of posts by 150" tall. This lot was reported to be in working condition when the business stopped approx. 10 years ago. There is no power in the building. The buyer is responsible to bring the proper tools, equipment, help, and supplies for the proper and safe removal to the first disconnect.

High Bid:
$3,000.00 – my10secgn

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $3,000


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Hunter Engineering Company Road Force GSP9700 wheel balancer with tools, attachments, and some supplies. This lot was reported to be in working condition when the business stopped approx. 10 years ago. There is no power in the building. The buyer is responsible to bring the proper tools, equipment, help, and supplies for the proper and safe removal to the first disconnect.

High Bid:
$160.00 – steaknuggetts

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $160


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Sailor Beall 200 PSI air compressor 30" x 21" x 72" tall 230V three phase hardwired to the building. This lot was reported to be in working condition when the business stopped approx. 10 years ago. There is no power in the building. The buyer is responsible to bring the proper tools, equipment, help, and supplies for the proper and safe removal to the first disconnect.

High Bid:
$45.00 – 1470bob

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $45


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250 gallon oil tank labeled 5W-30, hand written 10w-30 approx. 3.5" of oil in tank 60" x 30" x 36" tall, and upright oil tank with approx. 3.5" of oil, 60" x 26" x 44" tall tank. There is no power in the building. The buyer is responsible to bring the proper tools, equipment, help, and supplies for the proper and safe removal to the first disconnect.

Starting Bid:

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Starting Bid: $1.00


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250 gallon waste oil tank 61" x 27" x 44" tall with approx. 12" of waste oil. There is no power in the building. The buyer is responsible to bring the proper tools, equipment, help, and supplies for the proper and safe removal to the first disconnect.

Starting Bid:

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Starting Bid: $1.00


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Three waste oil tanks one 200 gallon and two 275 gallon waste oil tanks, one gauge reading just under full, one approx. 10" of oil and smallest appears to be empty. excludes pump. There is no power in the building. The buyer is responsible to bring the proper tools, equipment, help, and supplies for the proper and safe removal to the first disconnect.

High Bid:
$35.00 – redtail55

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $35


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Two approx. 275 gallon oil tanks, one gauge reads empty, the other reads 1/4 tank. There is no power in the building. The buyer is responsible to bring the proper tools, equipment, help, and supplies for the proper and safe removal to the first disconnect.

High Bid:
$275.00 – ksy142

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $275


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Metal shelving throughout including four sets 12" x 36" x 87" tall, two sets 18" x 36" x 75" tall, four 12" x 36" x 75" tall, Etc. There is no power in the building. The buyer is responsible to bring the proper tools, equipment, help, and supplies for the proper and safe removal to the first disconnect.

High Bid:
$35.00 – mtlrck4x4

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $35


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Tools and equipment including 55 gallon drums, metal work bench 73" x 29" x 39" tall, Sun two door metal cabinet 34" x 26" x 34" tall, push brooms, small tool box, etc. Drums appear to be completely empty or have residual contents. There is no power in the building. The buyer is responsible to bring the proper tools, equipment, help, and supplies for the proper and safe removal to the first disconnect.

High Bid:
$700.00 – my10secgn

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $700


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Ingersoll Rand T30 Select air compressor approx. 60" x 20" x 44" tall. This lot was reported to be in working condition when the business stopped approx. 10 years ago. There is no power in the building. The buyer is responsible to bring the proper tools, equipment, help, and supplies for the proper and safe removal to the first disconnect.

High Bid:
$1.00 – bonkers

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $1


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Advertising and display racks including Monroe shocks and struts interactive display, Michelin display signs, wiper blade rack, cardboard tire display, etc. Also includes double door glass shelf display cabinet 48" x 18" x 84" tall. There is no power in the building. The buyer is responsible to bring the proper tools, equipment, help, and supplies for the proper and safe removal to the first disconnect.

Starting Bid:

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Starting Bid: $1.00


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Remaining furniture in the showroom including desks, chairs, filing cabinets, etc. Also includes filing cabinets in upstairs storeroom and GE refrigerator. Buyer must take all. There is no power in the building. The buyer is responsible to bring the proper tools, equipment, help, and supplies for the proper and safe removal to the first disconnect.

High Bid:
$60.00 – rust

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $60


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Fire safe labeled Safe Cabinet Laboratory 31" x 26" x 38" tall. There is no combination for this safe. There is no power in the building. The buyer is responsible to bring the proper tools, equipment, help, and supplies for the proper and safe removal to the first disconnect.

High Bid:
$1.00 – bonkers

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $1


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Jeep service repair manuals, TSB books, etc. There is no power in the building. The buyer is responsible to bring the proper tools, equipment, help, and supplies for the proper and safe removal to the first disconnect.

High Bid:
$110.00 – mtlrck4x4

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $110


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Specialty tools including Miller Shim selection gauge, Peugeot tools kit E1 and E2, Miller pinion gauge tools, suspension tools, hub kit, etc. Located on the second floor. There is no power in the building. The buyer is responsible to bring the proper tools, equipment, help, and supplies for the proper and safe removal to the first disconnect.

High Bid:
$750.00 – alexh

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $750


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Club Car golf cart having imitation leather bench seat, hard cover canopy top, 42.5"W dump bed, approx. 100" x 48" x 69"T. Runs and drives, might need to be charged or battery replaced. Pickup by appointment only on February 24.

High Bid:
$110.00 – billygoat

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $110


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"The AllSteel" fire resistant document safe with standard combination lock 24.5" x 22.5" x 40" tall. Located on the second floor. Pickup by appointment only on February 24.

High Bid:
$45.00 – hurtgen02

Auction Type: One Lot
Quantity: 1

Bidding has closed on this lot

Current Bid: $45


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Artwork with subjects primarily being of sailboats including "Cleveland West River Street" signed and numbered on lower right framed and matted under glass, pair of coat of arms matted in matching frames, unframed pieces including Whaleship Charles W. Morgan, Sabino Steamboat, oneship on rough seas signed lower right Milo 64, Joseph Conrad Training Ship, etc. Largest being 43" x 36" smallest 20.5" x 26". Buyer must take all. Pickup by appointment only on February 25.

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